Project title
Description of initiative
As part of a strategic focus on culture and health promotion in Aarhus Municipality, Transformation LAB was organized in Kulturhus Bunkeren on 6-10 April 2022, and it was designed to help people who are struggling with trauma or other vulnerabilities, through artistic and creative means. The Transformation LAB program consisted of a 5-day participant involvement event that focused on art and recovery courses. Through artistic expression, creative workshops, dialogue cafés, and professional presentations, both the guiders and the participants explored the question: "Can art heal people?". Transformation LAB was held in collaboration with Aarhus Municipality, FO-Aarhus, and Aarhus University, with support from the Culture and Health Fund, the Alsace Foundation, and the Sacrifice Foundation.
Themes: Culture and...
Target group
Cultural field
Sources of funding
Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt
There have been no reported results yet.