Project title
Description of initiative
Urban Innovative Actions is an Initiative of the European Union to test innovative ideas and support urban authorities in their efforts to ensure sustainable urban development. It takes its roots in a strong commitment at European level to strengthen the urban dimension of EU policies. UIA contributes to the EU Urban Agenda and it is based on article 8 of ERDF. One of the 14 UIA topics is culture and cultural heritage. Under this topic, UIA acknowledges that cultural participation has a significant impact on residents’ quality of life, contributing to their well-being and their sense of belonging. The 5th UIA call for proposals invited urban authorities to propose community-based solutions in accessibility to and participation in culture and cultural heritage which can have a positive impact on growth and jobs, social cohesion and social inclusion. Most of the proposals submitted (105) proposed digital elements and tools to improve access and participation to culture and to increase social and physical well-being. The Commission has delegated the implementation of the Initiative to the Hauts-de-France French Region.
Themes: Culture and...
Target group
Cultural field
Sources of funding
Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt
UIA calls for proposals generated a high interest from cities across Europe and resulted in a good mix of projects and forms of innovation that are starting to show tangible results. Recommendations include retaining the fundamental elements of the instrument, better defining the types of innovations to be pursued, strengthening the focus on sustainability, scaling-up and transfer of successful innovations and revising the selection and implementation process with a view to improving the operational readiness of projects and their relevance to Cohesion Policy 2021-2027. According to the final assessment report of UIA, the UIAs topics are relevant to the thematic pointers and horizontal principles of good urban governance within the New Leipzig Charter.