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Our Storytelling Centre

Project title

Vores fortællecentrum

Description of initiative

Art can activate mind, body and commitment, which is why the Arts and Mental Health Association established the Centre for Arts and Mental Health. In a collaboration between health professionals, professional artists and psychiatric users, storytelling workshops are developed and run with a focus on storytelling as a free space on the road to recovery.
The art-based platform Our Storytelling Centre, to be established under the auspices of the Centre for Arts and Mental Health, is aimed at adults with mental illness who participate in storytelling workshop groups during or after their treatment services in psychiatry and is thus a bridging effort in the transition between treatment and civilian life. In the workshops, the participants can experience a free space and that the group format allows for a social reorganization around the common artistic work.
The project should be seen as a post-hospital effort that bridges the gap between hospital and civil society and at the same time by qualifying psychiatric users as workshop leaders can also become a peer effort. In addition, with the involvement of volunteers and open events, the project build bridges to the surrounding community, just as radio podcasts and videos are becoming available online to a national audience.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Mental health


well-being, mental health, storytelling, support, post-hospital effort, recovery

Target group

Not targeted to a specific group

Cultural field



2021 - 2023

Sources of funding

The Obel Family Foundation

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt



Foreningen Kunst og Mental Sundhed
Public / State | Health