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60+ Club

Project title

Kazin 60+

Description of initiative

People over 60 years old can meet every two months in Teatru Malta to participate in theatre sessions in “60+ Club”. The main aim of these sessions is to inspire creativity and strengthen existing drama and theatre skills, as well as to offer participants new tools to become better actors, remind them of a happier time and encourage them to have fun together.
Participants learn improvisation skills and games related to theatrical genres and improve their vocal techniques, as well as being encouraged to write poems/monologues, read texts, move to become physically lighter and share their life experiences through stories in a fun spirit.
During the ageing process, art can play a vital role. Participation in the arts stimulates the senses, enlivens people both mentally and emotionally, and promotes physical and cognitive health. The arts provide opportunities for healing, self-expression and learning at a time when physiological, cognitive and social health begins to fail.

Teatru Malta aims to help with its creative programme for older people to keep exercising the brain to slow down their brain ageing.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of social relations


old people, theatre, healing, self-expression

Target group

Older people

Cultural field

Theatre, opera


2021 - present

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt



Teatru Malta
NGO / Non-profit | Culture


Anzianità' Attiva u Kura film-Comunità
Public / State | Health