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8 Sensory Dellivery Rooms

Project title

8 Sensory Dellivery Rooms in Gødstrup

Description of initiative

In the establishment of “Familieklyngen” (The family cluster) at the new Regionshospital Gødstrup in Herning, the project aimed to create the best framework for future births at the hospital. This consisted of furnishing eight delivery rooms with multisensory installation art, with seven unique artworks with moods from the local nature, designed as a backdrop for all future births at the hospital.
The project builds on studio poēsís’ experience from the pilot project ‘Future Delivery Room’ carried out in Herning prior. Research from the project showed that by using calming natural atmospheres and employing new digitalization tools, better treatment can be provided, family formation can be strengthened, and a better working environment for the staff is created. Studies show that patients can reduce negative emotions such as stress, fear, and pain when surrounded with images of nature, which has a direct physiological effect on blood pressure and pulse, by being a strategically used ‘positive distraction’. Several studies have shown that by stimulating patients, perceived pain can be reduced, by as much as 60%. This helps lower adrenaline levels and supports natural childbirth.
In addition to the birth, a ritual artwork was developed to welcome the new child into the world. This work was developed in collaboration with Odin Teateret, studio poēsís, and the local community from a nearby summerhouse area. The vision was to create a collective work from the community as a birthday celebration of the new child, which is both touching, authentic, and locally rooted, aiming to strengthen the attachment to the area. The artwork included a flag-raising ceremony followed by kite flying on the beach.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Quality of spaces and built environments
Quality of social relations
Work and workplace well-being


birth, rituals, hospital, crafting, sensory spaces, art installation

Target group

Adults | Early age

Cultural field

Architecture | Design | Multimedia, new media, digital | Music | Theatre, opera | Visual arts




2022 - 2050

Sources of funding

Færch Foundation, Region Midt and local municipalities

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

Annually, over 3,500 children are welcomed into the world in the sensory delivery rooms at Gødstrup. Integrating the transformative power of the arts into birthing environments has garnered immense popularity among families and staff alike. The sensory delivery approach has been heralded as the best globally by the International Journal: 'Buildings.' This accolade underscores the department's commitment to excellence and innovation.
For the past decade, the Birth Department at Regional Hospital Gødstrup has been at the forefront of exploring the intersection between arts and health innovation. This pioneering spirit has earned them the title of Denmark's best birth department for nine consecutive years, reflecting their dedication to enhancing maternal and newborn care through innovative practices.


Studio Poesis
Private / Business | Culture


Regionalhospital Gødstrup
Public / State | Health