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Accompanying clown at EHPAD

Project title

Clown d'accompagnement en EHPAD

Description of initiative

Accompanying clown project proposes an evaluative approach aimed at assessing and qualifying the effects (therapeutic, relational, economic, etc.) of the practice of accompanying clowns on the ecosystem of the Establishments of Accommodation for Dependent Elderly People (EHPAD). The hypothesis is that artistic practices can be integrated into the care of dependent elderly people, besides the traditional care approaches, that contribute to the improvement of well-being, both physically and psychologically. Whether it is about accompanying clowns, hospital clowns, or relational clowns, the approach can be beyond simple entertainment, to see the potential of this practice in terms of support and care for dependent elderly people. The phenomenon of aging populations and the lengthening of life expectancy are linked to a fundamental public health issue, that of dependency and autonomy, and raise the question of the means to be implemented for the care of a growing population of elderly people in a context where public spending must be controlled and rationalized.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Quality of services for specific groups


elderly, clown, well-being, study, long-term approach

Target group

Older people

Cultural field

Other | Theatre, opera


2001 - present

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

The feedback from the experience shows various effects on the patients/residents: improvement of mood, reduction of aggressive behavior, appeasement, etc. In addition, by providing a new approach for the care and support of the elderly, the presence of an accompanying clown also seems to improve the well-being of the nursing staff and those who accompany them (families, friends, etc.).


Compagnie du Bout du Nez
NGO / Non-profit | Culture


EPHAD ( Établissements d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes) Beaumont de Lomagne
Private / Business | Health
EPHAD ( Établissements d\'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes) Graulhet
Private / Business | Health
EPHAD ( Établissements d\\\'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes) Puy-L'Evêque
Private / Business | Health
EPHAD ( Établissements d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes) Valence d'Agen
Private / Business | Health