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Arts and Healing

Project title

Arts and Healing

Description of initiative

The original project goal to establish a collection of original art work of high quality for the hospital has been effectively pursued over time through various mechanisms – commissions, donations, purchases and the artist-in-residence schemes. The Trust has a policy of collecting works by people who are associated with the catchment area of the hospital. Other works are on loan from private collections. In addition to this, the Trust has hosted temporary exhibitions that show the work of local artists and artists’ groups as well as the work of staff, arts workers and artists-in-residence.
Project objectives:
- to enhance the hospital environment by reducing anxiety for service users and visitors and by introducing pleasant, less stressful working conditions for staff
- to enhance healing and demystify the arts by making the hospital a channel to improve access and participation in the arts and to provide a forum for fostering an awareness of the therapeutic value of the arts in a healing context
- to create bonds within the hospital community by bridging boundaries between professionals through involvement in arts activities
- to promote good practice by establishing links between practicing artists and art establishments that would encourage appreciation and inclusion of works of good standard
- to establish links between the hospital and the local and wider community
- to take the lead in establishing a project model in the Republic of Ireland for the benefit of arts and health organisations, including health boards, government departments and other hospitals.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of spaces and built environments
Quality of social relations
Quality of services for specific groups


hospital, art, participatory, well-being, good practice, healing

Target group

Not targeted to a specific group

Cultural field

Heritage | Other | Visual arts


1991 - 2001

Sources of funding

The South Eastern Health Board and the Arts Council, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, FÁS and the Department of Social Welfare

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt



Waterford Regional Hospital
Public / State | Health