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Gardens of Aurora

Project title

I Giardini di Aurora

Description of initiative

Gardens of Aurora is an urban regeneration project, winner of the Creative Living Lab - 3rd Edition public notice promoted by the Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture realized in collaboration with Opera Barolo, Ufficio Pastorale Migranti, the Cooperativa Sociale Mediterraneo Onlus, the Associazione Generazione Migranti, the Accademia Albertina of Turin and the Casa Cinema of Turin.
Gardens of Aurora is an art-based urban regeneration project that has developed on the double axis the redevelopment of spaces and the development of communities: design, architecture and art as tools for reactivate and consolidate the sense of belonging to forgotten places. The approach adopted was "bottom-up" with co-design and co-construction practices, realized through a perspective intergenerational and multicultural, also given by the context in which the intervention was inserted. This has meaning to give value and space, through dedicated activities, to the emergence of the needs and desires of citizens on public and community space and the creation of a common imaginary, capable of generating processes of re-appropriation of urban space by the community of the territory. The project has responded to the needs that have emerged strongly in the pandemic crisis of open spaces and cultural and provides structural value for the Aurora district of the gardens of the Barolo Social District (DSB) through a process of co-planning with the inhabitants accompanied by Teatro Popolare Europeo | BAC Space (TPE | BAC space) and partners.
On June 30, 2022, the Great Parade of Aurora Gardens arrived in the city. To the rhythm of samba, accompanied by majorettes and tambourines, parading with over 100 signs and a walking garden with as many plants, an artistic, festive and ritual procession of over 300 people celebrated the importance of urban gardens crossing the streets of Aurora.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Community well-being
Quality of spaces and built environments
Quality of social relations


urban regeneration, cultural activities, inclusion, green urban spaces, well-being, cultural welfare, cohesion

Target group

Not targeted to a specific group

Cultural field

Architecture | Crafts | Other | Theatre, opera




February 2022 - September 2022

Sources of funding

Ministero Della Cultura Italiana - Direzione Generale Creativita' Contemporanea

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

The project has succeeded in achieving its objectives, making DSB a place accessible to the inhabitants for cultural fruition and the activation of processes of participation and integration; building and strengthening proximity relationships, which have developed ownership and care for regenerated spaces; training young people, migrants and non-migrants, for the management of the cultural offer of the DSB gardens; inserting the intervention and its activities within the framework of the cultural offer of the city.


Teatro Sociale e di Comunità
Public / State | Culture


Ufficio per la pastorale dei Migranti
NGO / Non-profit | Other