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Hotel of Madness

Project title

Hotel da Loucura

Description of initiative

The Hotel da Loucura project was developed at the Instituto Municipal Nise da Silveira, in the Engenho de Dentro neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. It emerged as the headquarters to host doctors, artists and researchers interested in art, culture and mental health, but it ended up becoming an artistic-cultural center that, through art and communication, developed significant work with patients with mental health problems. The general objective of the project was to make articulations between the area of ​​Communicative Expression through the arts and its contributions to psychosocial rehabilitation.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of social relations


cultural center, art, communication, mental health

Target group

Not targeted to a specific group

Cultural field

Dance | Literature | Other | Theatre, opera


2012 - 2016

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

A case study was carried out (GIL, 2002) which aims to get to know the hotel in more depth with a descriptive qualitative approach. As it is a project that no longer exists, the data collection was carried out from a bibliographic and documental research, also resorting to the use of the interview as a data collection technique. According to the investigation, it was found that Educommunication, due to its interdisciplinary character, can become an effective means in the process of promoting mental health.
