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Lab-CREATE | Laboratory of Eco-Cultural Design and Innovation of Red Arrayan

Project title

Lab-CREARTE | Laboratorio de Diseño e Innovación Eco-Cultural

Description of initiative

Through the creative coworking Lab-CREARTE the organizers are developing in an interdisciplinary way integrative projects and initiatives for the Recognition of Heritage Values in its three fundamental aspects: the human, the natural and the cultural, providing new meanings and promoting innovation as axes of Sustainable Development in Rural Ecosystems in line with the SDGs, the Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus (NEB). With the SEEDS OF THE BIOSPHERE initiative, they begin a path of shared reflection and creation of projects and initiatives in cooperation with independent professionals related to the areas of activity that they are developing.
Starting from the CREARTE workshops, in 2018 they began a journey of recognition of people's values and talents as a common thread for educational, socioeconomic and territorial integration projections. “EnTre2 Plan” for Safeguarding and Innovation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Popular Embroidery of the Sierra de Francia of Salamanca, as a common thread for educational, socioeconomic and territorial integration projections.
From there they continue to investigate and discover, through the SEMILLAS DE LA BIOSFERA initiative and the lines of action ARTESA, ALDABA and TALLERES DE OFICIO, new lines of IMMERSION, TRANSMISSION and CULTURAL INNOVATION.
In relation to Natural Heritage through the CO-CREATORS line of action and the SAVIA and SALUDARTE programs they investigate and design pilot experiences and methodological, participatory and collaborative models of awareness and ecocultural immersion through workshops, Art Itineraries in Nature and artistic interpretation processes based on biological structures, ecosystems and landscapes, inviting us to explore new visions. and integrative aesthetics of nature for the benefit of the community and the CRAFTS, NEW CULTURAL INDUSTRIES and ECOTOURISM sectors.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Quality of spaces and built environments
Quality of social relations
Quality of services for specific groups


well-being, discovery, connection, creativity, culture, arts, artistic crafts

Target group


Cultural field

Crafts | Design | Visual arts


2018 - ongoing

Sources of funding

partners, local, regional and national governments

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

The Red Arrayán Organization is firmly committed to linking the values of Natural and Cultural Heritage to the sustainable development of rural territories, generating exemplary initiatives of social transformation and territorial cohesion.
They consider that heritage is not only a common treasure that must be treasured and protected, but also a living and active resource for the transformation of our societies, playing a fundamental role in social and territorial integration through instruments of real and multilevel cooperation. between the different actors and sectors involved in the value chain of environmental, cultural, social and economic sustainability.
Red Arrayán is developing a pilot project in the rural territory of the Sierra de Francia in Salamanca for the recognition, safeguarding and innovation of intangible cultural heritage as a key element of identity recovery and a tool for the sustainable development of the territory. As a member of the NEB Community, this project is part of the NEB Compass model with the possibility of being transferred to other territories
Based on the "Plan EnTre2" project of cultural recognition, safeguarding and innovation, they have achieved the declaration as an Asset of Cultural Interest, recognized as an example of Good Practices by UNESCO, for its research actions, training in cultural immersion, dissemination and INNOVATION, as a tool for creative application to new artistic, craft and beautification activities and supports for public spaces, integrative, sustainable and beautiful in line with the Green Pact and the New European Bauhaus.
From the Lab-CREARTE several lines of innovative activity are being articulated, promoting the promotion of creative activity, collaborative practices of cultural management, multilevel participation, development of inclusive, artistic activities and educational.


Red Arrayan de Cultura, Patrimonio y Medio Ambiente
NGO / Non-profit | Culture