Project title
Description of initiative
The EKIN project is a digital platform that enables people residing in social or medico-social establishments and every voluntary citizen to establish a relation for sharing cultural and recreational moments and being involved in a solidary way. It is a platform that proposes three types of services on POCTEFA cross-border territory.
1. Shared cultural and recreational activities (e.g. a person or some people propose going together to a cultural or recreational activity to a person residing in a social establishment; an establishment that organizes a trip with some of its residents suggests to other establishment or available people to join).
2. Voluntary associative participation (e.g. an association is looking for participants or volunteers for their activities or events and wants to invite people living in social establishments).
3. Call for solidary projects (e.g. students have to create projects or develop initiatives for and with people residing in social establishments, organizations that are looking for stakeholders for the project).
EKIN is another way of creating inclusive solidarity, placing the well-being and the socialisation of everyone at the heart of a territorial experimentation.
Themes: Culture and...
Target group
Cultural field
Sources of funding
Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt
Expected Results: Joint working methodologies established between social, cultural and recreational agents in different areas of the cross-border area promoting social inclusion.
Expected Outputs: Dissemination, promotion, information and raising awareness actions that enhance social, cultural and recreational services in areas on both sides of the border.