Adventures in Human Being
Adventures in Human Being is an advanced physical theatre creative learning programme and it is led by experienced volunteers and teenagers who are accomplished in KIC physical theatre disciplines. The goal of the programme is to make accomplished theatre with a diverse membership, leading up to an innovative ensemble production. This advanced all-ability core project is open to teenagers from 13 to 18 years.
Art Therapy Trainings
Art Therapy Training made by ATe Association is a therapeutic framework and a methodology which is mainly used on art therapy theory, group analytic psychotherapy, dynamic psychotherapies and contemporary art theory. As a general rule, Art Therapy is indicated for people who, due to their circumstances or the disease they suffer, find it difficult to verbally articulate their conflicts and emotions, therapeutic process of the psychiatric patient consisted of different tools carried out by specialists in psychiatry and psychology. Currently, Art Therapy has been proposed as a new model of therapeutic support that can help in understanding the patient, their underlying disorder, the early detection of risk factors and even facilitate adherence to treatment.
The ATe is a non-profit professional association whose main objectives are to regulate the practice and training of art therapy and to help the consolidation and official recognition of the profession in the Spanish State.
Well-being activities | The Cinema Museum
The Cinema Museum provides a variety of activities/projects to actively engage the public in thinking and improving their well-being. The Cinema Museum follows the five ways of well-being idea to Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, and Give.
Living Each Season | Ram Museum
Ram Museum is working to become more dementia-friendly, both for the general public and in its services for targeted groups. Museums offer a safe, fun and yet stimulating place for people at all stages of life. Objects can spark memories and conversations which reinforce the personal identity of people with dementia for themselves and those around them. RAMM’s Living Each Season offers a combination of object-handling sessions, creative activities and gallery tours inspired by groudbreaking methodology from the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York.
Health and well-being activities | Breamish Museum
Beamish’s programme of activities to support health and well-being has been commended by the Royal Society for Public Health for its excellent and innovative contribution to arts and health practice. The aim is to provide everyone, regardless of different ages, health needs and abilities, with opportunities to enjoy the museum, to take part in traditional activities , to learn new skills and improve self-confidence and to thoroughly enjoy the company of others.
Community Programme
Community Programme provides people with disabilities, health issues and those who are isolated with meaningful and long-term opportunities to increase their confidence and improve their health through their interest in art. It offers a supportive and welcoming environment to ensure everyone feels comfortable and able to express creativity in whatever way they like. Whether it’s learning a new technique, working on personal art projects, or talking about art in a friendly and supportive environment there is a way to be involved. We encourage and support individuals to access our opportunities in a way that best suits them.
House of Memories
House of Memories is a museum-led dementia awareness programme which offers training, access to resources, and museum-based activities to enable carers to provide person-centred care for people living with dementia. It provides participants with information about dementia and equips them with the practical skills and knowledge to facilitate a positive quality of life experience for people living with dementia. House of Memories offers dementia awareness training for professionals, as well as buddy days for families, friends and volunteer carers. There are also a number of memory resources, activities and events.
Once a Warrior
Current and former servicemen and women – some with histories of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – found parallels between their own military experiences and Native American warrior societies. The group responded in words and art to “Warriors of the Plains”, a British Museum exhibition about honour and ritual in 19th-century North America. A digital display reflecting the views of West Country warriors of today was displayed in the exhibition, alongside the art inspired by the project, Once a Warrior. Compiled from individual interviews and the group’s artwork in 2012, the digital film is also online, including responses from the public. Once a Warrior served as a bridge for better understanding of the personal codes that have guided combat across centuries, continents and cultures.
Journeys of Appreciation
An innovative multi-partnership between various NHS Trust, Galleries and Museums in London, that would encompass monthly visits with bespoke and inclusive facilitated workshops provided by the partner museums and galleries over four years to older adults with mental health problems and dementia. The Journeys of Appreciation project is designed to engage in-patients and staff from older adult and dementia wards at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust in museum and gallery visits, with follow-up creative and therapeutic workshops.
Art and Health Cooperation
This is a significant cross-sectoral cooperation between healthcare, tourism, culture and education which aims to promote cultural and health development in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and the wider region and, above all, to create a recognizable and competitive cultural and health product at the local and international level.
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