Casa Ateliê: Art, health and education
The Casa Ateliê project is an interface between the areas of arts, health and education. It aims to be an experimental space for the arts aimed at children and adolescents who are somehow connected to the Pedro Ernesto University Hospital for health issues in outpatient clinics or wards. The project sought to implement workshops with plastic and visual languages, aimed at children and adolescents with different diagnoses, including in some cases the various autism spectrums.
Hotel of Madness
The Hotel da Loucura project was developed at the Instituto Municipal Nise da Silveira, in the Engenho de Dentro neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. It emerged as the headquarters to host doctors, artists and researchers interested in art, culture and mental health, but it ended up becoming an artistic-cultural center that, through art and communication, developed significant work with patients with mental health problems. The general objective of the project was to make articulations between the area of Communicative Expression through the arts and its contributions to psychosocial rehabilitation.
Dance Ambassadors
The Dance Ambassadors is dance-based service concept invented by Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland (hereafter the LTA). The concept is nationally known, and the Finnish term Tanssikummi® was registered as a trademark in Finland in 2018. In practical terms, the work involves long-term residencies to engage people in dance in range of contexts. The dance artists at the LTA have a high level of bodily expertise, and they have developed several dance-based concepts, Dance Ambassadors being the most notable one. This concept was initially designed for elderly care and hospitals and they have since expanded the concept to cover day care centres, schools and other institutions, and they collaborate with NGOs in the social welfare and health care sector. The Dance Ambassadors have also produced content for research projects such as the ArtsEqual project at the University of the Arts Helsinki.
Film in Hospital
The pan-European project Film in hospital is an online platform dedicated to film screenings and audience engagement for children at the hospitals, revalidation centres and children recovering at home. With the approval of the European MEDIA funds, the project can consolidate and consequently ensure consistent quality of film education, structured guided audience development, and fostering European values and uniqueness through AV culture.
The project is striving to grant ill children in hospitals and revalidation centres access to exclusive, festival-quality films and educational materials. The 6 European partners are providing these children and youngsters with (film) culture. They want to stimulate other European festivals, distributors and research institutions to participate and create a wider European platform. Together they can increase awareness regarding audiovisual works and stimulate film literacy.
Cultural Well-Being Plan | Southern Savonia | 2019-2021
Plan of the Southern Savonia region to increase the well-being and health of the population through culture
Art Essote
Through the project, artists are trained in working in a social environment and staff is trained to receive artists to their units. The project also tests the art loan services as part of the hospital's services, allowing patients to personalize their rooms.
The Cultural Well-being Plan | Oulu | 2021-2026
Plan of the city of Oulu to increase the well-being and health of the population through culture.
Pori Jazz
Jazz festival aimed to provide high-level jazz and rhythm music while minimising the use of natural resources, diminishing the environmental load, and increasing the well-being of festival visitors and local citizens.
Cultural passport | Follow-up project
The Cultural Passport follow-up project continued the work of the Cultural Passport pilot project (9 / 2014-12 / 2015). In the pilot project, the Echo Card operating model was created in Espoo. In the follow-up project, the Echo Card operating model was tested in Kainuu and the model was modified to better reflect the characteristics of less populated areas. The aim of the cultural passport follow- up project (12 / 2014-5 / 2018) was to improve the opportunities for young people, adults and families in financial difficulties to participate in cultural life and engage in the artistic activities. The Echo Card it was intended for customers of social and health professionals involved in Echo Card networks who are in a tight financial situation and are therefore unable to obtain free admission tickets or courses. With the Echo Card, they can get free admission tickets to festivals, concerts, dance performances or theatres, for example. With the card, they can also buy civic places at the Citizens' College free of charge.
Artlift offers creative space for adults living with mental health challenges, chronic pain and / or cancer. We run courses and creative projects for anyone registered with a doctor in Gloucestershire, where our experienced artists offer a personalised approach in a relaxed atmosphere through which participants can move forward. Artlift runs 3 programmes for people living with mental health challenges, long-term chronic pain and/or who are living with or moving on from cancer. Artlift also provides residencies and Workplace Wellbeing packages to support the mental health of staff in the corporate and statutory sectors in these challenging times.
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