Solidarios creates support groups that carry out out outings and leisure activities (exhibitions, excursions, walks, etc.) to promote the integration of people from vulnerable groups. Through different techniques of artistic expression such as painting, collage, the homeless people get together every week and begin to feel part of a group. Every Thursday, a small group of about 15 people meet at the Solidarios headquarters in Ciudad Universitaria, in Madrid, as part of the RE|CREA initiative that promotes access for homeless people to daily leisure spaces where they can belong to a community. The art workshop where volunteers and homeless people are together and learn to express themselves, to draw, was organized with the support of the QBE Foundation,
The Playtime
La Hora del Recreo is a regional strategy that provides artistic activities for socio-emotional development through the arts, for primary and secondary students from the municipalities of Dolores Hidalgo, San Felipe, San Diego de la Unión and San Miguel de Allende. The face-to-face activities supported students to express their emotions felt in pandemic, and during the workshops organized in schools students create a scenario from a story with which they identified in pandemic. The creative micro laboratories are essential to cope with the stress generated by the pandemic and be prepared for learning, as well as to improve their social and emotional skills while interacting with each other. For the Ministry of Education of Guanajuato it is essential to take care of the mental health of children and young students, as well as educational staff, therefore, artistic experiences are generated through disciplines such as theater and visual arts.
Know My World: Hallucinating Visual Artistic Expressions
An exhibition at the Casa del Castellano presents work from art workshops at the Valdivia Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center, promoting the inclusion of mental health beneficiaries within their community.
Valdivia Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center is currently providing specialized services for thirty beneficiaries, focusing on promoting the integration of people with mental disabilities in the Los Ríos Region community, through the development of their rights and the reduction of social stigma. Artistic expressions are recognized as a means to increase the well-being and health of people, using the visual arts as a tool to strengthen the skills of emotional expression and social interaction of users with mental health problems. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center is organizing various craft, literature and photography workshops, which provide opportunities for inclusion and psychosocial rehabilitation for their beneficiaries.
Visual Arts + Medicine Project
ExplorArte offers programs that employ the visual arts for the development of observation skills, resulting in the reduction of clinical misdiagnoses and the improvement of comprehensive patient care. General objectives are to introduce the visual arts and the Visual Thinking Strategies in training programs for doctors, medical students and health personnel; to promote the development of rigorous observation and perception skills, to improve clinical judgment and diagnosis; to encourage creative thinking; to enhance effective communication; to strengthen the aesthetic ties between the visual arts and the sciences; to use the visual arts to work on emotions, uncertainty, ambiguity, the unknown, the unfinished, discomfort, prejudices; to introduce the museum as an institution at the service of people.
Visual Arts + Health + Well-being Project
Through this project, ExplorArte aims to use visual arts in improving the quality of life of sick people and their families. General objectives of the project are: to introduce the visual arts in rehabilitation programs and improvement of the quality of life of sick people and their families, to develop a tailor-made program, with contents that use the visual arts and the method of Visual Thinking Strategies as the main resource, adapting it to the needs of the health institution and of each group of beneficiaries and introduction of the museum as an institution at the service of people, understanding arts importance as a universal manifestation of humanity. They aim to create sessions for observing works of art using the Visual Thinking Strategies, by including in each session 3 and 5 images from different artistic manifestations (painting, sculpture, photography, etc.). The sessions are taught by a specialist and last approximately between 1 and 1 ½ hours. The works of art are carefully selected, following specific criteria to develop a common thread that is linked to the objectives. The program may include a visit to the museum and subsequent creative workshops.
Course: Introduction to Arts in Health
The first Course: Introduction Arts in Health at the National Museum of Art of Catalonia is emphasizing the development and management of mental health programs, such as anxiety disorders and depression, and it is addressed to cultural and health professionals. Every Tuesday, for five sessions, leading international experts, technicians and heads of the national health system of Catalonia, doctors and health professionals, associations of patients and relatives in the field of mental health, as well as professionals from museums and other cultural managers, shared their expertise on what are the contributions of arts in the field of health.
Culture of Emergencies
Culture of Emergencies is a call for young European creators of visual arts and literature launched in full confinement, with a triple objective: to stimulate artistic reflection on the social and transformative role of culture in health and well-being; humanize the hospital experience of patients, family members and health personnel through art; and last but not least, help the collective of artists in times of professional uncertainty, with an economic endowment that partially alleviates the consequences of the pandemic on their careers. The first edition of the contest has brought together more than 200 proposals from young artists and writers between the ages of 18 and 35, from 11 European countries. The exhibition Culture of Emergencies was inaugurated in the Emergency Area of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos on November 30, 2021.
Goya In A Hospital?
Cultura en Vena Foundation had the artistic idea of turning Goya into another visitor to the sick people from hospitals. The exhibition presents reproductions of works from the Prado Museum, such as country prints, costumbrista or children. They collected the cartoons that the artist painted for the Royal Tapestry Factory, commissioned by Carlos III to decorate the walls of the palace with "playful and pleasant affairs". The images, explains the Foundation, are accompanied by texts specially created to connect with the experience that the patient and his family are going through, as well as that of the medical staff, and propose approaches that range from educational to emotional, from popular to deep approaches.
Goya in a hospital? initiative reframe illness as an opportunity, convalescence as an occasion for self-knowledge, illnesses as a time to unleash affection, going through a hospital as a new way of contacting culture to improve the health and well-being of the person.
Art: Factor of Social Transformation
The program of activities consist of a workshop, a conversation and a colloquium, addressed to cultural managers, people who work on pedagogical projects on arts, professionals and students of visual arts, dance, music, performing arts and mental health. The aim is to broaden the concept of aesthetic attitude and its effects on ways of acting, thinking and building communities, as well as to reflect on how art and its creation are generous means to take care of mental health and generate connections with other people.
The Art and Transdisciplinary Academic Body of the Faculty of Plastic Arts of the Universidad Veracruzana, organized in 2016 an exhibition entitled EMPATIaRTE, inclusive culture-dialogue with cancer with the presentation of student work explicitly designed to support the State Cancer Center (CECan). Through work in the classroom and hospital scenarios, it was possible to make a series of proposals that brought students closer to some of the experiences, emotions and perceptions of the people of the State Cancer Center. Through this exhibition, the group of professors from Art and Transdisciplinary Academic Body and the CECan authorities share this experience and its results with the general public. This dialogue with the community aims to raise awareness about some of the types of cancer in the hope of generating empathy and solidarity with those who suffer from it, as well as with the hospital staff, emphasizing their dedication and willingness to serve.
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