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Policy|Belgium|EU level

Preparatory action: Bottom-up Policy Development for Culture & Well-being

Project title

Preparatory action: Bottom-up Policy Development for Culture & Well-being

Description of initiative

The proposed preparatory action shall facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experience and success stories in the EU, related to the role of culture for well-being and health. The preparatory action ‘Bottom-up Policy Development for Culture & Well-being in the EU’ aims to:
- facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experience and success stories within the European Union (EU) related to the role of culture for well-being and health
- map the most relevant existing practices in this regard, including those that are financed by European programmes
- improve the capacity of local actors to effectively benefit from culture as a means to increase well-being and health, with a special focus on mental health
- carry out small-scale pilot work on the ground concerning means of cooperating across sectors to enhance the well-being of individuals and communities
- establish and explore synergies between existing policies and programmes, as well as past, ongoing and planned actions – in particular those at the EU level – but also local, (macro-)regional and national initiatives.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Physical health
Quality of spaces and built environments
Quality of social relations
Quality of services for specific groups
Work and workplace well-being


policy development, mapping, success stories

Target group

Adults | Children | Early age | Older people | Youth

Cultural field

Architecture | Crafts | Dance | Design | Film, video | Heritage | Literature | Multimedia, new media, digital | Museums | Music | Other | Theatre, opera | Visual arts | Writing




2021 - 2023

Sources of funding

European Commission

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

A call for proposals was launched in order to select an organisation or a consortium to implement this pilot project. The European Commission signed a grant agreement with the following consortium: Culture Action Europe, Central Denmark Region, Trans Europe Halles, Asociația Centrul Cultural Clujean, Secretariat of the Northern dimension partnership on culture, Asociacija, društvo nevladnih organizacij in posameznikov na področju kulture. The 5 partners are the ones who run the current project and platform, "CultureForHealth".
The project responds to the objective of the Preparatory Action – Bottom-Up Policy Development for Culture & Well-being in the EU and has the ambition to trigger a true policy change in EU, regional and local levels - bringing closer together the health, cultural and social policies.


European Commission
Public / State | Other