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Raw Music and Disability

Project title

Musique brute et handicap

Description of initiative

The project Musiques Brutes et Handicap has the objective to give the opportunity for a group of teenagers with autism spectrum disorders to experiment with music under real conditions of artistic creation. The young people from the Institut Médico-Professionnel Le Roitelet in Tourcoing are working with Franq De Quengo, musician and founder of the raw music festival Sonic Protest, and Thomas Masson, educator, in a musical residency that allows them to experiment with music, sounds and arts in a process of discovery and creation. The participants are involved in workshops and explorations to lead them towards a sensory and intuitive music practice. Using recycled objects, the young artists invent hybrid instruments, in particular by using wild instruments, accompanied by Julien Bancilhon and Benoit Poulain, musicians and luthiers, then, at their own pace and according to their desires, the young people compose songs that they have recorded by revisiting their favorite titles or by composing them.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Quality of social relations


music, autism, handicap, experimental, plastic arts

Target group

Children | Youth

Cultural field

Crafts | Music


2019 - present

Sources of funding

DRAC (Direction régionale des affaires culturelles) Hauts de France

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

Results: 6 teenagers aged 13 to 18 have explored the multiple facets of the musical universe. The teenagers participated in the making of instruments from A to Z, in their implementation, and in the conception of a musical work. They also participated in the creation of their own radio show, as well as in the elaboration of its visual identity.


Le grand mix
Private / Business | Culture


l’Institut Médico-Professionnel le Roitelet de Tourcoing
Public / State | Health