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Project title


Description of initiative

In Catalonia, the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat and Institut Català de Salut have partnered to create RecuperArt-19 project for health professionals, who are suffering from emotional stress related to the management of Covid-19. RecuperArt-19 proposes the creation of an activity in various museums in Catalonia to improve the emotional state of health professionals from techniques and resources based on art and culture. This activity can be performed individually and autonomously, with the aim of preventing and managing the anxiety, stress and depression associated with your professional activity during the coronavirus crisis. Recuperart-19 involves cultural resources in health management, personified in 16 museums throughout the community. The cultural institutions propose a selection of between 3 and 5 works from their permanent collection, located in spaces that allow calm and introspection. On these pieces, viewers can make a sheet that adapts to the artist's notebook. Healthcare professionals can enter cultural institutions for free and participate anonymously with an artist's notebook. This little notebook proposes a series of activities to get to know the museum, relax, concentrate on the selected works, draw them, write stories, etc.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Mental health
Quality of spaces and built environments


activity, museums, emotional health, professionals, art, Covid-19, pandemic

Target group


Cultural field

Other | Visual arts


2020 - present

Sources of funding

Department of Culture of the Generalitat, Institut Català de Salut

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt



Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunia
Public / State | Culture


Institut Català de Salut
Public / State | Health