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Shadow theatre and elderly with special needs

Project title

Shadow theatre and elderly with special needs

Description of initiative

Since 2013, Stichting Droomtheater has been producing interdisciplinary puppet theatre, and organizing presentations and workshops featuring shadow theatre. In conjunction with various narrative techniques, this ancient Chinese art form offers great possibilities for small-scale theatre shows and workshops for special target groups. The audiences are easily captured, fascinated, and motivated to participate in the creative, interactive sessions following the theatre shows.

Further information on the initiative

Themes: Culture and...

Individual well-being
Community well-being
Mental health
Physical health
Quality of social relations
Quality of services for specific groups


shadow theatre, special target groups, theatre shows

Target group

Not targeted to a specific group

Cultural field



2012 - 2021

Sources of funding

Fonds voor de Cultuurparticipatie, Gemeente Rotterdam, Dienst Kunst en cultuur in de gebieden, Elise Matilde Fonds, Ligne Lignac, contributions of participants

Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt

The change-inducing powers of art and culture are based on participation, motivation, and inspiration. By intensifying collaboration and communication, new developments could be initiated which could offer more opportunities for artistic practice.
The frequency of the activities organized should be a higher one.
The change-inducing effects could increase if not only individual artists would be involved, but projects would also be attracted in collaboration with other organizations such as festivals, theatres, museums, art schools, and nursing schools, so that more of the lonely elderly will become involved in activities and be inspired more often. The involvement of more volunteers requires the involvement of more professionals to coach them, and to structure and monitor the activities.
Sharing the experience and knowledge gained in shadow theatre for the dementing through different media, will generate a wider reach, more input, and more enthusiasm.
Professional experience in cultural transfer, and an increasing knowledge of it, are vital to the enhancement of the quality of community arts. Of course, the involvement of volunteers is important, but more professional expertise will improve the quality, and will facilitate sharing assets and skills in a network collaborating to help the lonely elderly.


NGO / Non-profit | Culture