Project title
Description of initiative
The European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 paved the way to a barrier-free Europe, fostering actions supported also by EU funds to make a difference for the life of approximately 87 million persons having some form of disability in the EU. However, persons with disabilities still face considerable barriers in access to healthcare, education, employment, recreation activities, as well as in participation in political life. This Strategy aims to improve the lives of persons with disabilities in the coming decade, in the EU and beyond.
The objectives of this Strategy can only be reached through coordinated action at both national and EU level, with a strong commitment from Member States and regional and local authorities to deliver on the actions proposed by the Commission. The Strategy has a special chapter about improving access to art and culture, recreation, leisure, sport, and tourism. Accessible and inclusive art and culture, sport, leisure, recreational activities, and tourism are essential for full participation in society. The strategy explicitly acknowledges that they increase wellbeing and give everyone, including persons with disabilities, the opportunity to develop and utilise their potential.
According to the strategy document, the Commission invites the European Parliament and the Council to work together and to lead by example in achieving implementation of the UNCRPD both at EU and national levels.
Further information on the initiative
Themes: Culture and...
Target group
Cultural field
Sources of funding
Results, benefits, impact and lessons learnt
Planned results by the European Commission:
- develop and publish, in 2021, a monitoring framework for the objectives and actions of this strategy;
- develop, at the latest by 2023, new disability indicators with a clear roadmap for implementation. These should include indicators for children and the situation of persons with disabilities in employment, education, social protection, poverty and social exclusion, living conditions, health, use of new communication technologies, supporting the indicators for the EU Social Scoreboard, the European Semester Sustainable Development Goals;
- prepare a report in 2024 of this Strategy assessing the progress of its implementation and, if deemed necessary, update its objectives and actions;
- develop a strategy for data collection, steer Member States accordingly and provide an analysis of existing data sources and indicators including administrative data.