Call for submissions: Share your project
The mapping is carried out by CultureForHealth researchers and will contain relevant EU, national, regional and local programmes, initiatives and projects on culture, well-being and health across the European Union. From 7 March to 15 May we collect entries, leading to the publication of a first version of the mapping database on the website and a report by June 1st. The entry form will stay open until June 2023 allowing the database to grow continuously.
Mapping of culture for health and well-being
CultureForHealth is a project aiming to carry out a major study of the important role of cultural activities and the arts in securing mental health and well-being on both an individual and collective level. We encourage professionals from the cultural and health fields to include their relevant EU, national, regional and local initiatives/ projects/ programmes/ or policies in the ambitious mapping carried out by CultureForHealth researchers.
1) Collect and make accessible relevant initiatives on culture for well-being and health
2) Identify the most relevant actors in the field of culture for health and well-being
3) Provide insights related to the type of practices that are carried out in the field of culture, well-being and health in the EU, lessons learned and good policies and practices that will serve as a resource for learning and inspiration.
If you know organizations or institutions that are linked to culture and health or to culture and well-being, send us their contact information (website links, social media profiles) at contact@art-wellbeing.eu