Par Tot Parata: Culture for community well-being
In Bologna the participants of the study trip will start with a visit to Par Tot Parata: A parade for children, young people and their companions. The parade is a cultural happening aiming to support the social and relational well-being of children, young people and their adults in Bologna. Par Tot Parata is developed by Associazione Oltre (a member of Trans Europe Halles) in collaboration with other cultural, educational and social grassroot realities.
The participants are expected to join the parade from the starting point in the afternoon and walk with the parade and participate in the different activities that take place along the walk: group dancing, acting and performing. A series of improptu shows and concerts will welcome the parade arrival in Arena Pasolini, where the participants will have the chance to profit of local drinks and foods. Held in Pilastro, a peripheral neighborhood of Bologna, this year’s parade aims even more strongly than usual to merge people and participants from Bologna’s center with the ones from its further suburbs.

Policy workshop: Cross-sectorial knowledge exchange and capacity building
The next two days, Monday the 16th to Tuesday the 17th, will be used on presentations, live testimonies and roundtable discussions about the theme “Promotion and Prevention”, hosted by the CultureForHealth partner The Northern Dimension Partnership for Culture. This will be in addition to capacity building workshops for the local actors from health and cultural sectors planned for the last day of the study visit bringing together Italian practioneers of both health, social works and culture.
The main aim of the policy discussion is to bring up awareness and understanding of culture and arts interventions for health and well-being and to highlight the need for policy decisions that support these practices.
On the 17th, there will also be held a capacity building workshop for Italian-speaking practitioners in the cultural and health fields, coordinated by Annalisa Cicerchia, vice-president of the Cultural Welfare Center.
The workshop is free and open to everyone. If you are interested, fill in the form *HERE* by the 3rd of May!
The First Study Trip In Aarhus, Denmark
The first study visit of CultureForHealth was to the modern and cultural city Aarhus in Denmark. Beside experiencing exciting cultural and artistic initiatives for "Treatment and Management" the participant shared their insides into the potentials and challenges of this cross-sectorial field.

One of the core conclusions of the roundtable discussion and policy workshop in Denmark was: In order to create meaningful and supported cross-sectoral corporation between culture and health sectors, it is vital to bring together professionals from both the health, social and cultural sector. Therefore we will continue this important work of bringing together these sectors at one table when we meet again in Bologne in May. The last study visit of CultureForHealth will be to Cluj, Romania, in October.
Stay tuned to be updated on different visits or the preliminary policy recommendations emerging from the workshops and round table discussion in Bologna and other study trips.
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