Arts and Minds
Arts on prescription
Arts and Minds uses the arts to help people living with mental health challenges. Their programmes are diverse and include: 1) Arts on prescription - the arts workshops are friendly and inclusive spaces for adults over the age of 18 who are experiencing mental health challenges, including anxiety and depression. Led by a professional artist and a qualified counsellor, they offer the chance to explore working with a wide range of materials and techniques, including drawing, printmaking and sculpture. They run Arts on Prescription programmes in Cambridge, St Ives and Peterborough; 2) Michaelhouse Singers - is a welcoming community choir open to anybody with a mental health condition and their carers and friends. Young people over 12 years are welcome to attend with an accompanying adult and the gatherings are weekly at the Michaelhouse Centre in Cambridge; 3) Pottery for younger people with dementia - this programme provides a safe and therapeutic environment for participants diagnosed with dementia early in life.
Sessions allow attendees to show ability and enjoy success within a safe and social setting, experience handling clay and be guided and supported to make objects which will then be glazed and professionally fired. 4) Creative break - art sessions for corporate clients and other organisations committed to supporting the mental wellbeing of their employees.
Younger People with Dementia programme
Arts and Minds is an arts and mental health charity, established in 2007 and based in Cambridgeshire. The charity is linked to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation NHS Trust and the former Cambridgeshire PCT. Arts and Minds delivers programmes for people with mental health issues and/or learning difficulties.
The Younger People with Dementia programme provides a safe and therapeutic environment for participants diagnosed with dementia early in life. Sessions allow attendees to show ability and enjoy success within a safe and social setting, experience handling clay and be guided and supported to make objects which will then be glazed and professionally fired.
Arts on Prescription | Cambridge, St Ives and Peterborough
Arts and Minds is an arts and mental health charity, established in 2007 and based in Cambridgeshire. The charity is linked to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation NHS Trust and the former Cambridgeshire PCT. Arts and Minds delivers programmes for people with mental health issues and/or learning difficulties. It offers a 12-week programme of two-hour art workshops for people experiencing mild to moderate depression and anxiety as an alternative to CBT. GPs, health promotion workers, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists and counsellors can refer clients directly to Arts on Prescription using a referral form. Led by a professional artist and supported by a counsellor, each session offers the chance to work in various media (e.g. drawing, collage, clay and wirework) with the objective of decreasing anxiety and/or depression, while increasing wellbeing. The programme also includes facilitated group visits to museums and galleries. Arts on Prescription sessions provide a safe and therapeutic environment where participants feel mutually respected and can explore their creativity with like-minded individuals.
Michaelhouse Singers
Arts and Minds is an arts and mental health charity, established in 2007 and based in Cambridgeshire. The charity is linked to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation NHS Trust and the former Cambridgeshire PCT. Arts and Minds delivers programmes for people with mental health issues and/or learning difficulties.
They are a welcoming community choir open to anybody with a mental health condition and their carers and friends. Young people over 12 years are welcome to attend with an accompanying adult.