Arts Promotion Center Finland
Access to Arts and Culture
The project was developed to improve the accessibility of basic art education and children's culture in the different parts of the country, promote the creativity of children and young people, and improve the accessibility of art and culture promoting the beneficial effects art has on well-being. It is done by increasing the number of arts and crafts classes in schools, encouraging them to create and view arts. The objective is to reinforce the sense of belonging in the school community and increase children’s equal opportunities to have hobbies. The project also aims to improve the accessibility of art and culture, thereby promoting the beneficial effects art has on well-being. The purpose is to create an operational method that helps facilitate the procurement of art and culture-related services in the social and health care system, and including more services from different areas of art and culture in the care and customer services provided by social and healthcare services (hospitals, services for older people, and child welfare).