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E-Motus | Dance therapy and Parkinson

Project/initiative | Italy
In Parkinson's, motor activity, sociality and the possibility of taking care of one's emotions play a fundamental role in improving the course of the disease. Dance therapy fits perfectly into an integrated rehabilitation approach, as it offers delicate stimulation on both a motor and emotional level in a pathology characterized precisely by disorders that involve…

In Parkinson's, motor activity, sociality and the possibility of taking care of one's emotions play a fundamental role in improving the course of the disease. Dance therapy fits perfectly into an integrated rehabilitation approach, as it offers delicate stimulation on both a motor and emotional level in a pathology characterized precisely by disorders that involve these two spheres. It involves functional, cognitive and psychological aspects to bring them towards mutual support, contributing to greater psychophysical well-being.
The courses are dedicated to those who experience the disease firsthand, but also to family members and operators: not companions, but actual recipients of the intervention, with a view to sharing health as intended by the World Health Organization: state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not simply the absence of disease.

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