National Competence Center for Culture, Health and Care
Music-based environmental treatment
The National Competence Center for Culture, Health and Care carry out studies and develops song, dance and other cultural expressions in a health and care professional framework, through research, education and practice. The competence center is involved in larger and smaller projects, both self-run and in collaboration with others. The National Competence Center for Culture, Health and Care carries out the training program Music-based environmental treatment together with Nord University. Music-based environmental treatment is an educational program on environmental treatment with integrated use of music and song for the health and care services. They provide courses and training programs for employees in the health and care sector who work closely with users and patients of all ages and with various diseases and disorders, based on music, song and movement used within clinical settings. The training program is divided into three different training courses: ABC Music-based environmental treatment; Collection-based course; Higher education.