Just Monkeys, z. s.
Project Prevention through Culture
The organisation is implementing the incubation phase of the Prevention through Culture project under the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The project is under the patronage of the Government Commissioner for Human Rights, Mrs. Klára Laurenčíková.
The project is based on an international cooperation with the Danish National Centre for Art and Mental Health, where art activities are proven to be functional and effective in promoting the building of psychological resilience, prevention of mental illness, a tool for developing socialization and learning prerequisites.
The aim of the project is to transfer this good practice to the Czech environment and modify it to fit the specifics of the Czech environment. Prevention through Culture is an activity aimed at creating an effective and safe tool for prevention and education in the field of mental health, mental literacy and socio-emotional learning through the implementation of Creative playing under the guidance of trained artists.
The organisation is cooperating with the National Institute of Mental Health of the Czech Republic on the evaluation and probing of the project. The evaluation survey will serve as a basis for further advocacy.