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Living Museum Madrid

Living Museum Madrid

Programme | Spain
Living Museum Madrid is part of the original movement created by psychologist and artist Janos Marton and artist Bolek Greczynski in the early 1980s in New York. The Living Museum project established a space dedicated to art on the campus of Creedmoor Psychiatric Hospital. Today, the Living Museum movement is present in more than 20…

Living Museum Madrid is part of the original movement created by psychologist and artist Janos Marton and artist Bolek Greczynski in the early 1980s in New York. The Living Museum project established a space dedicated to art on the campus of Creedmoor Psychiatric Hospital. Today, the Living Museum movement is present in more than 20 countries, including some in the USA, Switzerland, Korea, Georgia, the Netherlands and Germany.
Living Museum is presented as a space for artistic work that promotes the creative and professional development of people with mental disorders and/or disabilities and with an interest in artistic creation. Its main focus is art, promoting the development of personal artistic projects as a support for the empowerment, inclusion and recovery of people with mental health problems, and eliminating the stigma that the label of mental disorder and/or disability represents in our society.
The artistic workshops are based on the Open Studio methodology and are characterised as open, safe and stress-free artistic spaces, adapted to the individual needs and rhythms of each artist. Living Museum seeks to provide an environment where artists feel professionally recognised, and where their work and creative experimentation is valued.
Living Museum Madrid is also a space for socialisation through art, where dialogue and the exchange of artistic experiences is encouraged, where life narratives are generated and the creation of support networks is promoted through art.
From October 2023 to June 2024, Living Museum Madrid has carried out the First Artistic Residencies with the participation of 15 artists. These residencies have taken place at the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Condeduque in Madrid, ending with the group exhibition El Despliegue de la Pausa (The Deployment of the Pause). This creative space will continue next year, extending the residencies to a total of 20 artists.
Living Museum Madrid is currently focused on establishing alliances with other artistic entities of a similar nature, and among its main objectives is to achieve a permanent location and stable funding that will allow for its growth and continuity in its work of inclusion and empowerment through art.

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