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Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin

"I Hear Good Sounds" campaign

Project/initiative | Poland
The "I Hear Good Sounds" (Słyszę Dobre Dźwięki [SDD]) campaign primarily educates about the dangers of noise pollution but also inspires to create spaces of silence, relaxation, and good sounds. At the very beginning, it informed the citizens about how to create an acoustically friendly environment and how to navigate in a world filled with…

The "I Hear Good Sounds" (Słyszę Dobre Dźwięki [SDD]) campaign primarily educates about the dangers of noise pollution but also inspires to create spaces of silence, relaxation, and good sounds. At the very beginning, it informed the citizens about how to create an acoustically friendly environment and how to navigate in a world filled with sounds. We educated the province's inhabitants about the ecology of sounds through conferences, workshops, outdoor activities, banner campaigns, hearing tests, and contests for School and City Harmony Zones. Later, the organizers began to consider good sounds more broadly – in the context of inclusive culture. They decided they should be accessible to everyone, regardless of age, place of residence, or health condition. And so the idea of an annual summary of the campaign and a festival of inclusive culture was born: the "I Hear Good Sounds" Festival, a festival for families, seniors, and youth, where are invited outstanding artists to create a community of good sounds.
The campaign stands out not only through its educational activities (targeted at age-diverse groups of recipients - from children and youth to seniors) but also thanks to its innovativeness and non-standard actions. The initiative goes beyond traditional educational methods (especially those proposed by musical institutions) through, among others, education about hearing, organising free hearing tests, supporting the creation of School Harmony Zones in schools, and a festival addressing therapeutic aspects of sound and psychophysical well-being, as well as the role of music in shaping it. This places the entire campaign as a pioneer in making communities aware of the importance of hearing health and the impact of surrounding sounds on our well-being.
Organising events as part of the I Hear Good Sounds Campaign changes the social approach to noise and health issues while also serving as an example of a modern approach to health education.

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