Museum of Opole Silesia
EDUKO | cultural education of the Opole region
1. The activities carried out as part of the project in the school include:
- cultural and historical tours in the Opole Voivodeship (Nysa, Paczków, Niemodlin, Brzeg, Opole, Małujowice, Byczyna)
- engaging in cooking, baking, sewing, and performing household preserves, baking traditional pies with the use of traditional recipes and products
- conducting discussion panels, lectures, and meetings aimed at familiarizing and reminding local traditions, the history of the Opole region, and instilling passions for cognition
- cultural activities titled "Nature in the era of art" - introducing the art of Impressionists connected with learning about the use of plants and floristic techniques for practical purposes
- organizing photography skill workshops
- creating an educational game "I have, I know Opole"
- a singing contest for the youngest participants (preschool units) "Festival Opole - I sing too"
- all additional activities lead to the integration of the local community of all age groups
2. Three years of organization Family Days, whose leading theme "You're a star" showcases the local talents of students, residents of the community. During these events, the local community is presented with diverse talents of individuals, historical activities, and attempts at social integration. The school and local community have the opportunity to engage with music, dance, and singing performed by students, parents, residents, as well as musicians from Opole, who performed a music concert.
3. Organization of activities developing creativity, including theater classes and vocal classes, during which students prepare for performances organized within the facility, for example "The Little Match Girl", "Hansel and Gretel", "Little Red Riding Hood" as well as at the Community Cultural Center in Dobrzeń Wielki - "Kacperek" and especially on the boards of the big stage of the J. Kochanowski Theater in Opole – the play "The Nutcracker". The activities integrate the entire families of the Kup community, as well as the surrounding localities. The school disseminates the results of its actions by inviting students from other municipal educational institutions, as well as schools from Opole, and wards from the social care homes in Ładza and Dobrzeń Wielki, thus preventing social exclusion.
The activities carried out by the educational institution within the framework of cultural education significantly enriched the offer proposed by the core curriculum. Students have acquired and developed a range of artistic skills that will certainly be useful in the next stages of education and in their future lives. Among the projects activities will stimulate curiosity about the world, acquaintance with tradition, history and local and regional cultures, and will build sensitivity to aesthetics, art and music. The school has established new contacts with cultural institutions - the Jan Kochanowski Theater in Opole, where they will conduct authorial workshops on acting.